Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

The importance of vaccines in children

Often the children play without health care, even though we as parents have tried to give them the vaccine sometimes it's not enough to menagkal growing viruses. The types of vaccines are commonly used include: 1. Attenuated virus or bacteria Vaccines against measles, mumps, and chickenpox (varicella), for example, using a live virus that has been attenuated. 2. Viruses / bacteria are dead or disabled Polio vaccine is made by bacteria or viruses are disabled (turned off). 3. Toxoid There are several types of bacteria that cause disease by inserting poison into the stream darah.vaksin toxoid, such as diphtheria and tetanus vaccine, made by using bacterial toxins that have been attenuated to fight some types of bacteria that cause disease by introducing toxins into the bloodstream. 4. Aseluler and subunit Hepatitis vaccine and haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) is made by using sbagian of viruses or bacteria. Types / Kinds Mandatory Immunization Vaccines In Children: 1. BCG - Protection Diseases: TB / tuberculosis - Cause: Bacteria Bacillus Calmette Guerrin - Ingredients: Bacillus Calmette-Guerrin-attenuated 2. DPT / DT - Protection Diseases: Diphtheria (throat infection), pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus (lockjaw). - Cause: Bacteria diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus 3. Polio - Protection Diseases: Poliomyelitis / Polio (paralytic paralyzed) that promote muscle pain, paralysis and death. 4. Measles / Measles - Protection Diseases: Measles / Tampek - Possible side effects: Fever, skin rash, diarrhea 5. Hepatitis B - Protection Diseases: Infections Liver / Liver Cancer deadly Types / Kinds The Recommended Immunization Vaccines In Children: 1. MMR - Protection Diseases: Measles, mumps and German measles 2. Hepatitis A - Protection Diseases: Hepatitis A (Liver Disease) - Cause: Hepatitis A 3. Typhoid & parathypoid - Protection Diseases: Typhoid Fever - Cause: Bacteria Salmonella thypi 4. Varisella (Chicken Pox) - Protection Diseases: Chickenpox - Cause: The varicella-zoster virus

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