Rabu, 18 Januari 2012


Dental health is often a topic that received less attention both at home and at school. Until a lot of children who experience dental pain, tooth loss, rocky and even up to date teeth, so there is a very unfortunate thing, Moreover if we realize how important dental growth for our baby Several reasons are commonly found: - Parents take the position that the teeth in children are milk teeth, so no need to be treated because it would later be replaced by permanent teeth. - Hassle and difficult child to be invited to clean the teeth, - And many other reasons. When in fact precisely at the time of the child's milk teeth should be taught to maintain hygiene and dental health, Here are some reasons why hygiene and dental health should we teach as early as possible: 1. At the time of milk teeth, During that time, was the formation of permanent teeth in the bone. So if there is severe damage to baby teeth can interfere with the formation of permanent teeth. This unusual result in permanent teeth with abnormally. 2. The mouth is the main entry doors of all food and drink into the stomach. Mouth repuakan first location through which food and drinks before entering into the process of digestion. When this (oral) interference occurs, it will disrupt the smooth process of digestion (more jealsnya children will be difficult to eat because of a toothache may also occur pembekakan even on his gums, it is extremely regrettable especially us on our baby. 3. if there is an infection of the teeth and mouth, can affect the health of other organs in the body such as heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.. Because the infection in the mouth can spread into those organs called focal infection. 4. Oral and dental infections suffered by the child will make children become lazy move and will disrupt their learning process. Looking at some of the reasons mentioned above, then it is fitting for us to emphasize to the children about the importance of maintaining health and dental hygiene course with a wise and subtle ways so we suggest that even in a fun and varied. Now, how your way Read the following article ya ...., to always clean your child's teeth after each finished drinking milk or eating. No need to use a toothbrush, but it can be done using a soft gauze pads moistened with warm water. Looks like just an ordinary treatment, but surely it gives a wonderful new experience in children. When the mother clean the teeth with a soft cloth moistened with warm water, the child feels that the activities of cleaning teeth is fun and it will be recorded in the memory of children. Impact, when the child will be introduced with a toothbrush at the age of 1 year will be no more complaints of child does not want to brush your teeth for fear of seeing a toothbrush to be inserted in their mouths. When the child was two years old, the number of teeth in the mouth was full of twenty pieces. Begin teaching children to brush their own teeth and parents keep watch. When they are able to gargle, may be coupled with toothpaste. Invite your child to habitually consume vegetables or fruits and the control of sweet foods they consume. Not a child should not eat foods that are sweet because it's their favorite food. Only parents need to control the amount or kind of sweet foods they eat.

1 komentar:

  1. Chocolate Health Benefits here http://how-what.blogspot.in/2012/02/health-benefits-of-chocolate-organic.html


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