Every person has the tonsils that serves as the body's defenses leading to conquer germs that come from the mouth. However, due to its function it can be inflamed tonsils or an infection and if an infection will usually look white patches on the tonsils and sometimes the tonsils will swell but some are not. For patients tonsil will have a fever and difficulty swallowing.
Tonsils inflammation can cause complications to the surrounding area in the form of recurring nasal inflammation, sinus inflammation (sinusitis) or inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) in case of chronic inflammation will cause the germs that cause tonsillitis to spread through blood and lymph resulting in inflammation of the heart muscles, joints, kidneys, eyes, and skin.
Complications can occur when there is a secondary infection in the middle ear or sinuses. Another possible complication of tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). This happens when a group of bacteria that encouraged by the growth of new tissue. Abscess is not in the tonsils anymore but on one side.
If no complications, tonsillitis usually lasts only about a few days and go away without treatment. Tonsillitis is because the virus can last much longer up to a matter of weeks.
Children who suffer from severe allergies most also suffer from inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). Children are often clogged nose, frequent colds usually tonsils so easily exposed to the bacteria so inflamed. This can cause swelling of the tonsils / tonsil.
According dr.Agus, tonsillitis more experienced by the children because their immune systems lower making it more easily infected with bacteria and viruses. In addition, the child's throat was too small so it is more easily clogged.
"Because of the small throat, if tonsils can cause swelling of the airway is closed," he said.
Enlarged tonsils can cause snoring children that can lead to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA), the state of cessation of breathing during sleep. This causes the supply of oxygen to the brain will be reduced.
"As a result children so often sleepy during the day, decreasing the concentration of learning, growth and even disturbed," The action of removal of tonsils (tonsillectomy) is recommended to be done in a year if the child has experienced seven episodes of pain or inflammation of the tonsils lasted more than two weeks.
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