Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a condition in which abnormal cells on the cervix grow out of control.The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina.Cervical cancer is caused by a virus called Human Papilloma Virus or HPV is abbreviated.Adapaun servisk cancer symptoms are commonly seen are:* Vaginal bleeding are not normal, or menstrual cycle changes can not be explained.* There was bleeding when it comes in contact with the cervix, such as during sex.* Feels pain during sex* Vaginal discharge is accompanied by bloodAcetic acid was not only add flavor in the food delicious, but also useful to detect early cervical cancer is easier and certainly cheaper. Early detection of cervical cancer with vinegar method is called VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid). This method has been introduced since 1925 by Hans Hinselman from Germany, but only applied around the year 2005.Ministry of Health had already adopted it. This method is in addition to easy and cheap, also has a very high accuracy in detecting precancerous lesions or sores, which reached 90 percent.Early detection by applying vinegar to 3-5 percent in the mouth of the womb (cervix) is not to be done by a doctor, but can be practiced by trained personnel such as midwives in health centers. And in about 60 seconds already can be seen if there are abnormalities, namely the appearance of white plaques on the cervix. These white plaques may be aware as a pre-cancerous sores.World Health Organization (WHO) has examined the application of IVA in India, Thailand, and Zimbabwe. Its effectiveness was not lower than the pap smear.In addition to the same performance with other tests and the results can be immediately known, IVA also offers other advantages, that is practical, requiring only simple tools, and affordable.Inke Maris, communications expert who is also cofounder of the Prevention of Cervical Cancer Initiative Indonesia (Ipkasi), said many health centers are able to provide testing services IVA is a cost of about 15 thousand dollars."In fact, a number of areas has published regulations that set a price of only five thousand dollars for IVA inspection," added Dr. Basalama Fatum, MSM, Head of Sub Directorate of Cancer. PPTM, Kemenkes RI.This therapy is of short duration, about 5 minutes. There is discomfort when undergoing this therapy. Most women feel the sensation of cold and a little cramping, or sometimes feel warm spread on the upper body and face.
Ease of handling checks at once if found precancerous sores are spurred to make See and Treat program more and more applied in a number of health centers. Expected with the IVA, will more and more women are reached by early detection of cervical cancer, so the incidence of this cancer can be derivedEase of handling checks at once if found precancerous sores are spurred to make See and Treat program more and more applied in a number of health centers. Expected with the IVA, will more and more women are reached by early detection of cervical cancer, so the incidence of this cancer can be derived

TONSILS Inflammation

Every person has the tonsils that serves as the body's defenses leading to conquer germs that come from the mouth. However, due to its function it can be inflamed tonsils or an infection and if an infection will usually look white patches on the tonsils and sometimes the tonsils will swell but some are not. For patients tonsil will have a fever and difficulty swallowing. Tonsils inflammation can cause complications to the surrounding area in the form of recurring nasal inflammation, sinus inflammation (sinusitis) or inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) in case of chronic inflammation will cause the germs that cause tonsillitis to spread through blood and lymph resulting in inflammation of the heart muscles, joints, kidneys, eyes, and skin. Complications can occur when there is a secondary infection in the middle ear or sinuses. Another possible complication of tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess (quinsy). This happens when a group of bacteria that encouraged by the growth of new tissue. Abscess is not in the tonsils anymore but on one side. If no complications, tonsillitis usually lasts only about a few days and go away without treatment. Tonsillitis is because the virus can last much longer up to a matter of weeks. Children who suffer from severe allergies most also suffer from inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). Children are often clogged nose, frequent colds usually tonsils so easily exposed to the bacteria so inflamed. This can cause swelling of the tonsils / tonsil. According dr.Agus, tonsillitis more experienced by the children because their immune systems lower making it more easily infected with bacteria and viruses. In addition, the child's throat was too small so it is more easily clogged. "Because of the small throat, if tonsils can cause swelling of the airway is closed," he said. Enlarged tonsils can cause snoring children that can lead to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA), the state of cessation of breathing during sleep. This causes the supply of oxygen to the brain will be reduced. "As a result children so often sleepy during the day, decreasing the concentration of learning, growth and even disturbed," The action of removal of tonsils (tonsillectomy) is recommended to be done in a year if the child has experienced seven episodes of pain or inflammation of the tonsils lasted more than two weeks.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012


Dental health is often a topic that received less attention both at home and at school. Until a lot of children who experience dental pain, tooth loss, rocky and even up to date teeth, so there is a very unfortunate thing, Moreover if we realize how important dental growth for our baby Several reasons are commonly found: - Parents take the position that the teeth in children are milk teeth, so no need to be treated because it would later be replaced by permanent teeth. - Hassle and difficult child to be invited to clean the teeth, - And many other reasons. When in fact precisely at the time of the child's milk teeth should be taught to maintain hygiene and dental health, Here are some reasons why hygiene and dental health should we teach as early as possible: 1. At the time of milk teeth, During that time, was the formation of permanent teeth in the bone. So if there is severe damage to baby teeth can interfere with the formation of permanent teeth. This unusual result in permanent teeth with abnormally. 2. The mouth is the main entry doors of all food and drink into the stomach. Mouth repuakan first location through which food and drinks before entering into the process of digestion. When this (oral) interference occurs, it will disrupt the smooth process of digestion (more jealsnya children will be difficult to eat because of a toothache may also occur pembekakan even on his gums, it is extremely regrettable especially us on our baby. 3. if there is an infection of the teeth and mouth, can affect the health of other organs in the body such as heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.. Because the infection in the mouth can spread into those organs called focal infection. 4. Oral and dental infections suffered by the child will make children become lazy move and will disrupt their learning process. Looking at some of the reasons mentioned above, then it is fitting for us to emphasize to the children about the importance of maintaining health and dental hygiene course with a wise and subtle ways so we suggest that even in a fun and varied. Now, how your way Read the following article ya ...., to always clean your child's teeth after each finished drinking milk or eating. No need to use a toothbrush, but it can be done using a soft gauze pads moistened with warm water. Looks like just an ordinary treatment, but surely it gives a wonderful new experience in children. When the mother clean the teeth with a soft cloth moistened with warm water, the child feels that the activities of cleaning teeth is fun and it will be recorded in the memory of children. Impact, when the child will be introduced with a toothbrush at the age of 1 year will be no more complaints of child does not want to brush your teeth for fear of seeing a toothbrush to be inserted in their mouths. When the child was two years old, the number of teeth in the mouth was full of twenty pieces. Begin teaching children to brush their own teeth and parents keep watch. When they are able to gargle, may be coupled with toothpaste. Invite your child to habitually consume vegetables or fruits and the control of sweet foods they consume. Not a child should not eat foods that are sweet because it's their favorite food. Only parents need to control the amount or kind of sweet foods they eat.

HAZARD cavities

Do not ever underestimate cavities though sometimes it is considered a minor problem because it turns out cavities can lead to death. Because if untreated cavities are not treated and the condition of our immune system when it lemah.maka untreated cavities, can be a path big enough for bacteria to gain entry into the body .. However, if our immune system is weak, then it will be more severe bacterial infections. In the early stages, the infection was still in the area of ​​the hollow tip of the tooth root. And usually will be symptoms discomfort or pain when chewing or tooth wear is pressed. At this stage can still be dealt with root canal treatment of teeth with fillings of cavities can be by using antibiotics or, if necessary with an infected tooth extraction. If not immediately tackle, the infection will spread around the mouth such as cheeks and neck. If it happens so then this condition can already be said to be quite serious, and requires patients to do surgery on the area to remove the pus infection. Patients are also required for the therapeutic use of antibiotic drugs. If the condition is severe enough, the patient should be admitted to the hospital to prevent a more severe hazard because it can be at risk of death if the patient's condition is very weak, complicated by other diseases or treatments that are less intensive. In some cases, an infection that occurs quite powerful and quick. The infection can spread to other areas is quite vital to the chest and head area. This condition is very serious and require hospital treatment is very intensive. In these conditions, especially infections that occur in the head, for even greater risk of death. Once enough cases of death due to infection of the tooth that is not handled properly, including in Indonesia. Now, usually this infection has been handled from an early stage so that the risk of spread of infection and death can be avoided. Actually, to avoid deaths due to infection of the tooth is very easy. Simply brush your teeth properly, correctly and the time is right as well as routine to check the condition of the teeth and mouth to the dentist at least once every 6 months kerangnya. Let us begin to guard our health by brushing your teeth regularly and teeth checked every 6 months by keeping the teeth berrti we've been trying to save our lives.

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Heart disease

Heart Disease and Drinking Warm Water .... This article is very good. Not only about the warm water after eat, but also about the heart attack. This makes sense ... Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals .. not cold water .. maybe it is time we adopt habits like drinking warm water Ga. .. they lose .. profit instead .. For those who like to drink cold water, this article is suitable for you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. But, the water cold will solidify the oily stuff that you've just eaten. and slow down the digestion of food. When the precipitate is reacted with gastric acid, the precipitate will split and absorbed by the intestine faster rather than solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. Best to drink / eat hot soup or warm water after a meal. Serious note about heart attacks: Not all symptoms attack heart is a pain in the left arm. Beware if there is pain that continues constantly on the jaw. Maybe we will not experience chest pain when the first a heart attack. Nausea and excessive sweating is a symptom commonly encountered. 60% of those who have a heart attack when sleep did not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from sleeping soundly. Be careful and beware. The more we know, the better chance we for survivors. A cardiologist says if they are getting this email send it back to the 10 others, we can save at least one of lives. Read it, it could save your life Be a true friend and send this article to all your friends care about.

Watermelon to fight cancer

Reduce the risk of cancer by eating watermelon Because of the chaotic eating patterns, pollution or negative thoughts lead to uncontrolled free radicals in the body that causes the immune menurun.dan kibatnya various kinds of diseases will be racing into our body and makes the skin becomes dry, dull, and sagging. With a lot of lycopene found in watermelon, free radicals can be directly lame! Lycopene is able to crush the seeds of diseases such as cancer. Many eating watermelon, even every day it can shrink the cancer risk cervical and pancreatic cancer in women. Against digestive cancers, watermelon lycopene unable to stop until the risk is reduced half, such as oral cavity cancer, esophagus cancer, cancer stomach, colon cancer, rectal cancer. Similarly, prostate cancer. Wow! It's great watermelon. In addition, lycopene is useful to create a glowing face, look fresher and younger. For the elderly, the watermelon is not only helpful restore the health problems more quickly, but also helps improve mental ability and memory acuity is often already reduced.


BENEFITS OF FRUIT WATERMELON Watermelon fruit is believed to come from the Kalahari desert, Africa. According to the researchers, the fruit was first harvested 5,000 years ago in Egypt. In Egypt the fruit is used for burial of the kings in the hope that the spirit of the king they get nutrition in the afterlife. Yet we know that that has been buried obviously can no longer enjoy watermelon nutrition. It is we who are still alive is a bias to enjoy delicious and how bergizinya one piece of fruit each function with a glass of water. When eating watermelon, green part near the skin is a part most important thing to come eat in addition to the red / yellow only. Here are some of the functions of the watermelon? 1. If you're on a diet, the watermelon is good for you this konsumsi.Buah fat-free and have unlimited combinations of sugar and water content plentiful. This fruit is quickly filling in in the stomach. 2. Watermelon is good for people with hypertension. Water content and High potassium can neutralize blood pressure. 3. Watermelon also intensify the work of the heart 4. Antioxidants include beta-carotene and vitamin C helps cells the body remains healthy. 5. Watermelon also serves to stimulate more rapid discharge of urine so it is good to those who suffered bowel disorders small. 6. Watermelon can be used to reduce fever. 7. Watermelon can prevent thrush. The question that often arises is what is really the watermelon is the fruit of anti-cancer? Watermelon can to prevent cancer and it all began from watermelon contain lycopene because lycopene. Lycopene is one of the components such as carotenoids as beta-carotene. But compared to other antioxidants, like vitamin C and E, lycopene forces in the fight against free radicals is much more powerful.

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012


BEWARE OF DEHYDRATION IN YOUR CHILD Dehydration can happen to anyone just Not only adults or children - children, but even toddlers can also baby dehydration. All you need to beware!, that infants and young children are very susceptible to dehydration, this is because: - Body of infants and young children have a higher percentage of water and balance the body's regulatory mechanisms are still not perfect. Therefore, less perfect balance of body's regulatory mechanisms, they more often lose a lot of water content of their body weight than adults. - Every day, children can lose fluid from their body weight by 15%. Meanwhile, when compared with adults every day lost only about 4% of their body weight (a difference that is striking and this needs your attention and you watch mainly on the fruit of your heart). - Let's have the following parable: a toddler with a body weight of 7 kg needs about 0.8 liters of water per day that serves to replace the fluids lost, while an adult male weighing 50 kg body requires two liters of water. Let easy to remember, a child weighing 10 kg requires 1 liter of water (about 4 times the bottles of infant formula standard / standard mug). Another thing that causes these children are more susceptible to dehydration, due to very low awareness of the need and benefits for their body fluids, and lack of ability they said they were thirsty. That we all know every day, every time they play or exercise, will easily lose their body fluids (this is what you need to consider as a parent). Therefore, the adult (parent / baby sister) around them to be active in reminding them to drink water regularly. Some of the symptoms - symptoms of mild dehydration conditions in children that you need to recognize, namely: - Fussy, - The tongue dry, - And thirsty. The solution: Give fluid intake is needed as soon as possible. This is the best step and we're sure everyone is biased and out. While on the state of severe dehydration, symptoms and signs that are seen are: a. it seems a little hollow b. Not the tears when crying heart sibuah c. Old skin back when pinched and looks dull. d. Children looked limp When one of the symptoms are there in your child, seek immediate help health workers nearby. With good hydration, the child's body can function optimally, activity and growth of the baby will not be disturbed by the negative effects of dehydration.

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

influenza immunization

Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, body aches, headache. Taxable cough and cold or influenza? Equally disease Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI), then what's the difference? "People often use the term to describe the symptoms of the flu flu. Influenza vaccine is recommended for children who have risk factors are often flu-like child with a talent allergies are usually more frequent colds. Cough and cold in medical language is known as common cold or nasofaringitis cause is a viral respiratory infection that is not harmful. "The virus is type cough and cold there are about 200 viruses. Such as rhinovirus, coronavirus, coksakivirus and so on. This cough is usually easier to attack children because her immune system is weaker. "Children usually develop 4 to 8 times per year, an average of 6 times. If adults are generally 2-4 times per year. On cough and cold, snot coming out can be yellow-green when there is a lift by a bacterial infection or complications, caused complications is sinusitis. Because the nose into the sinus cavity or the ear. That's because if the issue is too pressing runny nose.